
Do you need to add a large number of users to a system or just add an additional user? Using the SPC Connect user management functionality you can add users to their system while also quickly provide them the customer with a connect account which will be preconfigured to their system. The setup process also provides training material for the end customer. Below we will show you how you can deliver this functionality within the SPC Connect remote user management functionality.

Users programming

SPC connect provides the ability to provide users with access to their SPC system on site and the SPC Connect cloud interface. The user's account will be prepopulated with the SPC system which you have defined. You can also setup large numbers of users quickly using the import function find out more here

User setup

Using SPC connect when you create a user you can also start the process for them to have their own system user connect account. This sends the user a mail with a link to complete the registration allowing for the security of the user's passwords and a smooth setup experience

The user manual for the system user account on SPC Connect 

Help users get started on SPC Connect with the SPC Connect quick start guides

Android App – Quick Start Customize with your logo
IOS App – Quick Start Customize with your logo
Web App – Quick Start Customize with your logo

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SPC Connect Overview video

This video is a show case of the mobile app functionality if you wish to use or embed the video in your material the link to the video is