Alarm verification
False alarms are expensive, disruptive and - if not recognized early - are a burden on response teams and emergency services.
Today around 85% of all alarms detected and reported by intrusion systems are false alarms – no incident has happened. This increases the burden on intervention forces, which leads to longer response times and ultimately reduces the very security the system was installed to satisfy.The vast majority of these false alarms are not caused by a malfunction of a detection device, but by the user; be it authorized or non-authorized (e.g. cleaning personnel). Reducing these figures is becoming critical to the future acceptance and performance of intrusion systems.

The Solution – SPC Remote Alarm Verification.
By using SPC’s newest functionalities, Central Monitoring Stations (CMS) can quickly, efficiently and correctly identify the source of the alarm. As a direct consequence, the number of needless callouts due to false alarms can be significantly reduced.
SPC’s high-speed internet connections offer the CMS: n A fast transfer of pre/post Audio and Video data n Immediate live access to Video data n Immediate live Audio listen-in and talk-in
Privacy protection is guaranteed – you only need to review your assets if there is an alarm!.
Cost effective alarm verification
- X-Bus Audio expander and Audio keypad (up to 16)
- Cost-effective IP cameras (up to 4)
High-speed digital alarm verification
- Pre-/post-event Audio (up to 1min) n Pre-/post-event Video (up to 16 images, 320x240)
- Live Audio (half-duplex) n Live Video (picture sequence, 1 image/sec max.)
Using SPC connect your customers can view the verification data online and have piece of mind knowing what has occured
CMS solutions
By using Vanderbilt Alarm receiving software monitoring stations can view the images and when an alarm is active live the live feed from the system reviewing both Audio and images
The SPCV340.000 Audio Expander extends the SPC system via X-BUS with an audio verification zone, 4 wired zones and 1 open collector output. The built in microphone and speaker allow pre- / post-event audio recording and live audio (listen / talk) between ARC/CMS and the SPC system. Up to 3 audio satellites (SPCV310/410) can be connected to the expander.

The SPCK623.100 comfort keypad is ideal to operate single area and multi area applications in a user friendly way. The 4 soft keys and the multi dimensional navigation key allow an easy operation with a minimum of operation steps. Status information and ‘next step’ prompts are clearly displayed on the large LCD. Customer logo, emergency or quick set functions can be displayed in idle state. The integrated card reader enables quick setting / unsetting of areas by use of a proximity card only or in combination with a valid user PIN. The built in speaker and sensitive microphone support audio features such as alarm verification or voice annunciation. The functionality can be enhanced with the SPCE110 key switch expander or the SPCE120 indication expander.

The SPCK521 Compact Keypad is slim, stylish and feature packed. With touch key technology, the 4 soft keys and navigation keys allow easy operation with a minimum number of steps. Status information and ‘next step’ prompts are clearly displayed on the large LCD. The integrated speaker enhances the user experience with audio annunciation.
Support for EM and Mifare card technologies are provided by integrated readers allowing for quick user authentication.
Customer logo, emergency or quick set functions can be displayed in idle state. Various mounting options and accessories provide a complete keypad interface.