
Using the SPC system each individual input can be monitored the system is designed to give you the most information to allow you to ensure the wiring is correct and everything is operating correctly.  For correct wiring we want to ensure the system has a clean signal and is reading the correct values, we also what to be able to test devices to ensure they are operational.


With SPC you can check for open zones, check the status of individual zones and monitor the status of individual zones.

Walk test

Key to ensure the systems correct operate is perform regular walk tests these can be performed by the installer but also by an end user who is given sufficient rights. The walk test for the user will only test zones that do not trigger alarms, so no 24hr or panic zones can be tested these must be tested by the installer.

The walk test will signal when each zone is tested, and you can configure to be notified by

  • Keypad
  • External Bells
  • Internal Bells

You may also choose the area you wish to test and users will only be allowed to test the areas they have access to.

Zone monitor

This functionality is available in the web Brower and via the keypad. Each zone has an individual log which you can use to examine the zone but on the keypad using the monitor function will allow for live status of the zone. This is only available to an installer.

Once a zone is selected it will show the zone location, device it is connected , its status and its current EOL reading. The zone monitor can show a number of status for each zone these include

  • Closed – Normal state
  • Open – Active state
  • Discon – Disconnect infinite resistance - zone is disconnected
  • Short – 0 resistance
  • DC SUB –The SPC monitor all zone and this includes for interference, if an attempt is made to replace an input with an external source the SPC will identify this by analysing the voltage on the system.
  • MASKED – PIR state for PIR with masking detection, the detector has detected that its field of view is blocked
  • Fault – PIR State for PIRs with fault detection such as PDM-Magic detectors, this is an internal fault as the detector is running self-tests to ensure operation. This is not a wiring condition but a condition internal to the detector.
  • Out of bounds – The EOL detected is not within the correct tolerance for the system, check the configuration and also the resistor in place in the device.
  • Unstable – there is interference on the wiring or detector and the system cannot determine an accurate value, NOTE this may cause false alarms if not addressed