How to update your SPC system

Updating your system

In order to avail of the latest features and enhancements within SPC you must update your system. SPC systems firmware can be updated using the SPC embedded web page when updating the system you should back up your configuration file prior to updating. For grade 2/3 systems users will have to grant access to Engineer and manufacture in order to authorize an update.


There are three elements that must be updated

  •   Central firmware, the central firmware is contained within the bundle as is a .fw file. This will is uploaded to the central controller and will cause to restart running the updated firmware.
  • Peripherals - The SPC peripherals can be updated to the latest firmware for compliance and compatibility you should always update your system peripherals to the latest version. To update peripherals you select the .pfw file this will offer you a choice to update all devices or to choose individual devices to update. Once the update is applied the peripheral will restart with the latest version.
  • Languages - to update the language files on your SPC select the update language option and choose the .clng file, this will offer you the ability to update or change the languages on the system.


Please note that when updating the system may become unresponsive for a time, do not restart the system during an update  


The SPC download packages contain all the files required to update your system  

Older firmware

SPC Firmware  





SPC Pro 3.7.3